Policing in America with Chief Kristen Ziman (Part 1)

Season #1 Episode #9

The murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department shocked the conscious of an entire nation.  Violent protests have erupted all across the country and calls to "Defund the Police" have rang from "coast to coast".  There have been three primary themes:  Police Brutality, Police Racism, and Lack of Police Accountability.

In this podcast, Dixon, Illinois Police Chief (ret.) Danny Langloss and Aurora, Illinois Police Chief Kristen Ziman talk about the complex issues facing policing and discuss solutions that will pave the pathway forward.  

In addition to leading the second largest police department in the State of Illinois, Chief Ziman holds the following positions:

- Vice President at Large for the International Association of Chiefs of Police
- Executive Board Member of the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF)
- Co-Chair of Recruitment and Training on the Presidential Commission of Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice
- Illinois Sentencing Policy Advisory Board
- Supreme Court Commission on Pretrial Practices Final Report Implementation Task Force
- Co-Chair of the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police Diversity Committee

(NOTE:  This podcast has been broken into 2 episodes due to the length of the conversation.  Part 2 will be release simultaneously with Part 1.)  

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