Creating a Culture of Leadership: CultureShift #changeleadership #culture #dannylangloss #empathy #listening #ownership #rapport #trust Feb 20, 2023

I was three-quarters of the way through my interview for police chief when Commissioner of Public Safety Dave Blackburn asked me this question, “What is the greatest challenge facing the Dixon Police Department?” I think my answer completely took him by surprise. 

Here is...

Creating a Culture of Leadership: It's All About the People #culture #dannylangloss #empathy #leadershipexcellencepodcast #listening #rapport #recruitment #retention #trust Jan 21, 2023

Creating a culture of leadership is heavily dependent on selecting the right people to serve on your team and intentionally developing them throughout the different stages of their career. Prior to hiring a new team member, you must have a laser focus on the soft skills and individual...

Beaten, but Not Defeated: How I Went from a "Vote of No Confidence" to Creating a Winning Culture and Championship Team #culture #dannylangloss #empathy #leadershipexcellencepodcast #listening #rapport #trust Nov 07, 2022

I found myself completely dejected, beaten down, and feeling hopeless. 

I had just finished a phone call with one of my closest friends. We had worked together at the police department in the Detective Division for five years. I was the detective sergeant and he was one of three...